Ancient Religious Cultures & Globalization
Literature, Culture & Tradition Concentration Declaration (2022)
Block 1: Ancient Literature, Culture and Tradition (Classics Block)
CLSC 100: Greek and Roman Mythology
CLSC 250: Ancient Cities
RELC 200: Gods, Ghosts, and Monsters
RELC 250: Asian Religions
Block 2: Middle Eastern Religious & Cultural Studies (Global and Regional studies certificate)
GLBS 100: Introduction to Global Studies
GLBS 3800: Putin’s Russia
GLBS 200: Globalization: Social, Economic, and Political Aspects
MODM 300: Religious Traditions of the Middle East
CINM 201: Monsters of Japan: Godzilla Goes Global
Block 3: Globalization & Social Sciences (Social Sciences Block)
DIGC 160: A History of Digital Culture
DIGC3600: Applications of Digital Culture
MODM 100: The Middle East and the West
MODM 260: Oil and Politics in the Middle East
APOP 100: Introduction to Positive Psychology
APOP 120: Human Flourishing: Strengths and Resilience
APOP 200: Positive Psychology at Work
APOP 220: Flourishing with Others: Building Thriving Relationships
APOP 290: Understanding the Science of Positive Psychology
APOP 320: Morality and the Good Life
ENLT 120: Writing about Literature and Culture
ENLT 140: The History of English Literature in Eight Books
ENLT 300: Radical Literature from the American Revolution to the Civil War
CRCW1010: The Craft Of Creative Writing
ETHC 200: Ethics & Society
DIGC 120: Digital Literacy & Cultural Change
MTHS 100: Mathematical Foundations for Data Analytics
MTHS 200: Mathematics All Around You
SPRO 100: Scientific Reasoning
PROW 100: Fundamentals of Professional Writing
PROW 101: Fundamentals of Academic Reading and Writing
ICOM 100: Intercultural Communication
Certifications Earned:
Certificate in Global and Regional Studies (GLBS100, GLBS200, CINM201, ICOM100)
Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (APOP100, APOP120, APOP200, APOP 220)
Advanced Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (APOP290, APOP320)
Reason / Justification:
In a world of uncertainty, we can only be confident of change. Global pandemics, economic turmoil, and an increasingly fractured sense of global community and cohesion are accelerating, fueled by polarizing politics and digital disruption.
In order to more cohesively comprehend the present, we must learn more efficiently and effectively from the past, and especially from those with differing values. In combining perspectives from multiple disciplines, including religious studies, history, economics, cultural anthropology, sociology, literary studies, and politics, I intend to craft a unique educational journey which examines significant themes from ancient cultures and engages with them in the context of modern challenges.
This work takes in historical and current economic, global and regional trends, and specifically develops critical thinking about global commerce, migration, social issues and culture over time in different places, specifically Middle Eastern and Aegean societies.
In combining the disciplines of Ancient Literature, Culture and Tradition, Middle Eastern Religious & Cultural Studies, and Globalization & Social Sciences I will craft a unique, individualized perspective on current events through a historical lens. This journey will be purposefully supported by studies in Applied Positive Psychology and the science of resilience, thriving and societal flourishing, as well as augmented connection to digital culture, ethical behavior and social difference through intercultural communication.