BAAS4000 Capstone PortfolioThe Art Of Work Core Competencies Featured Core Competency: Ethics Core Competency: Scientific Process & Problem Solving Core Competency: Global Citizenship & Diversity Core Competency: Creativity & Innovation Core Competency: Digital Literacy Core Competency: Communication Core Competency: Analytical & Critical Skills Core Competency: Historical Perspectives Additional Assignments Featured Week Eight Discussion: Write a Letter To Next Semester's Students Week Eight: Resource Reflection The Science Behind Employment Data AI and The Future of Work Week Seven Discussion Board: The Future of Your Career Week Seven: Resource Reflection Video Autoethnography Pecha Kucha Transcript Week Six Discussion: Giving and Receiving Feedback Week Six: Resource Reflection Week Five: Resource Reflection Week Five Discussion: Career and Identity Week Five: Virtual Interview Informational Interview Week Four Discussion: Career and Well Being Week Four: Resources Reflection Week Three Discussion: Work Interests Week Three: Resources Reflection Week Two Discussion: Workplace Assumptions Faculty Interview Reflection Week Two: Resource Reflection Week One Discussion: Where I'm From Poems Week One: Resource Reflection Introduce Yourself