Module 7: Mapping Athenian Imports

Cyrene: Silphion and ox-hides
Hellespont: Mackerel and all kinds of salt fish
Sitalces: Itching powder for the Lacedaemonians
Perdiccas: Many shiploads of lies
Syracuse: Sends pork and cheese, and may Poseidon sink the curved ships of the Corcyreans since they collaborate with both sides. That is what comes from that direction
Egypt: Sails, rigging and papyrus
Syria: Incense
Crete the Beautiful: Delivers cypresswood to the gods
Libya: Ivory for sale
Rhodes: Raisins and dried figs that bring pleasant dreams
Euboea: Pears and fat sheep
Phrygia: Slaves
Arcadia: Mercenary troops
Pagasae: Slaves and tattooed men
The Paphlagonians: Furnish Zeusβ acorns and glistening almonds, the highpoint of the meal
Phoenicia: Palm fruit and wheat flour of the finest sort
Carthage: Carpets and decorated pillows